Friday, March 7, 2008

Legislation Likely to Cut Hospice Reimbursement by 15%

From the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization:
"Hospice Community Call to Action: Administration Seeks 15% Cut in Hospice Rates... The Administration's last budget package to Congress specifically asked for drastic cuts in hospice reimbursement rates... It is imperative that each hospice mobilize people to write, call, email and speak to your federal representatives to oppose the budget package and, more importantly, to block the Administration rule making effort to cut hospice rates... Review and download the materials NHPCO has created to help you advocate for hospice – this includes talking points, a narrative, and a suggested letter." -

Hey Volunteers! This kind of cut can drastically change the services we provide. I know that if I was an administrator and I had to make a 15% cut to my program I would have to cut down on the support services. Chaplains would have to cut down on hours and see more patients in less time. Our wonderful services like Music Thanatology and Massage would be at risk of being cut alltogether. Even Volunteer Coordinators time would have to be cut back and less support given to volunteers. This legislation effects every hospice and each future patient we may serve. I urge you to go to the website above and advocate for hospice!

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